Moderator: Welcome to the chat!
Adrienne is on the stage.
Moderator: jenata says: "Hi Adrienne"
Moderator: Eve says: "HI ADRIENNE!! WE LOVE YOU!!"
Adrienne: Hello Everyone!!!
Moderator: Welcome Adrienne!
Adrienne: Thank you for having me back- I had so much fun last time
Moderator: Grampa says: "Hi Adrienne!"
Adrienne: and I'm eager to see what we talk about this time around.
Moderator: Eve says: "YOU ARE THE BEST!!!"
Moderator: ButterCup says: "Hi Adrienne, welcome back!!"
Moderator: *AZ says: "Welcome back to the Xena Palace!"
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "Sweetie, you were sublime at Starfury. Will you be coming back ? :)"
Adrienne: ooh, thank you.
Adrienne: I loved Starfury, and I am scheduled to return this summer- hopefully I won't be ill :-)
Moderator: bigdog_2755 says: "how did u get the role as livia/eve"
Adrienne: Starfury was so much fun - and I met 6 people there that had been at the last chat here!!!
Adrienne: I got the role through auditioning
Adrienne: it was a regular audition - I was already booked on another project- so I didn't think I could take Xena
Adrienne: but it all worked out in the end- the other project fell through, and Xena offered me the job.
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "Lucky for us"
Adrienne: thank you!! it was lucky for me too
Adrienne: It has been so much fun - absolutely the time of my life
Moderator: jenata says: "Are you gonna sing in the new musical"
Moderator: Sakura says: "Can you really sing, Adrienne?"
Adrienne: I don't know- it completely depends on what the scripts call for, and if my schedule is open
Moderator: macie says: "Aren’t you in a band Adrienne?"
Adrienne: yes, I sing- but I've never done a filmed musical - I've heard they are tons of work so I'm a little nervous about being asked
Adrienne: yes, I was in a band but I've been out of the country more than I've been in the country this year
Moderator: jenata says: "I would love to hear you sing"
Adrienne: so I had to make a choice, and I chose Xena.
Moderator: Mary Taram says: "What kind of music does your band play?"
Moderator: macie says: "ohh i see "
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "Right on"
Adrienne: Rumor has it that I am supposed to sing at the Sacramento Con. - but nothing is official yet.
Adrienne: I have some ideas for it though if I do sing
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "Start practicing Joxer the Mighty"
Moderator: abbagirl says: "Yeah, aren't you and Ted doing the cabaret in Sacramento?"
Moderator: romeo says: "cant wait"
Adrienne: ya, losing the band was a big disappointment- but it was meant to be - I'm now even more focused on acting.
Moderator: Petunia says: "Will you be in Pasadena?"
Moderator: Sakura says: "I bet you're going to be fabulous."
Adrienne: Ya - Ted always does the cabaret - it will be my first one. I would love for us to coordinate- but I don't think there is time.
Adrienne: yes, I'll be in Pasadena
Adrienne: that one seems like so much fun- everyone should be there
Adrienne: It’s also nice that it is so close to home for me
Adrienne: I have no idea if there is a cabaret scheduled there or not though
Moderator: Darth Maul (Sith Lord) says: "HI Adrienne. I have a question for you how much did the armour you wore in Livia and in Eve weigh?"
Adrienne: It was heavy - probably 15 pounds (that's completely a guess)
Adrienne: but that wasn't the problem. I LOVED that outfit- but it was very painful to wear
Adrienne: the corset was so tight that I couldn't bend over- and it was literally tied in place- in about 10--12 different places
Adrienne: so it didn't let me move much - that was my biggest obstacle in the fight scenes.
Adrienne: that and I couldn't breathe in it very well - but I still LOVED it -
Moderator: Grampa says: "Are you scheduled for more eps? Perhaps the last one?"
Adrienne: No - at this time I'm not officially scheduled for more episodes - but we left the story line open
Adrienne: so that it is likely that I'll be back for one more trip - it just depends on exactly what the scripts call for
Adrienne: and if my schedule lets me go
Adrienne: it is still a bit sad that the show is ending
Adrienne: but I had so much fun with these last episodes
Moderator: Niva JCK says: "Ok my question to u is- Which ep in the 6th season was the more fun to shoot?"
Adrienne: My favorite scene of all of 6th season, hasn't aired yet - it will be in "You are There"
Adrienne: it is unlike anything I've ever done - on Xena, or anywhere else for that matter. I haven't even seen
Adrienne: the final version of it - but personally I thing everyone will love it, and find it hilarious
Adrienne: and I get a groovy new costume - so that made me love it too
Moderator: Callisto says: "Do you like playing the Good or Bad character? Livia or Eve?"
Adrienne: Um, I haven't changed on that one - I still relish and enjoy Livia a thousand times more
Adrienne: Eve is so honorable and kind and trying so desperately to do what is right, but
Adrienne: I hate the fact that Eve is no where near as smart as Livia - that drives me crazy.
Moderator: ArcAngel Xena says: "Is it fun playing Xena's Daughter?? Any stories to share?"
Adrienne: Eve never "gets" the plan - and she is so blinded by faith that she missed the point sometimes
Adrienne: Ya, playing Xena's daughter is freakin' cool! It’s the best adventure I've ever had
Moderator: J. Connell says: "Have you been satisfied with the way the role has developed?"
Adrienne: Every time I'm there, I conquer some new fear or find some new way to work- its been wonderful
Adrienne: Intellectually, I understand that the writers are making Eve make these choices to support her complete personality shift so that is nice to play
Moderator: Niva JCK says: "What would u change in Eve if u could?"
Adrienne: but when we were finished with “Motherhood”- I expected that I would come back and Xena and Gab and I would be kicking serious A** together and obviously that's not what has happened
Adrienne: I'm very challenged at times to justify why Eve makes the choices she does. My biggest frustration is the lack of closure for a lot of Eve's past events
Adrienne: The scripts have never called for conversation about Ares- which I think would make a great episode.
Adrienne: or conversation about X & G's relationship - or me and Gab really talking about everything. Or me being an Amazon Princess- or basically anything that is uncomfortable- and we never discuss Eve's past or even Xena's past for that mattr- I think those
Adrienne: would all be great choices to see developed in a script- but there simply hasn't been time, and they have had other adventures to tend too.
Moderator: abbagirl says: "What has been your favorite episode of Xena to do so far?"
Adrienne: My favorite episode ever was “Eve”. I loved everyday of filming that episode- I had so much fun, and I was LOVING Livia at that point.
Adrienne: I think that everyone wished more time could have been spent on Joxer’s death - but other than that, I thought that episode was wonderful!
Moderator: Petunia says: "I loved the scene with you and Gab in the tent!"
Adrienne: Every time I get a script I always rush through to see what will happen with Eve- but I've never been as thrilled as I was when I read "Eve" - it was great!
Adrienne: Although- that scene in "You are there" is my favorite Eve moment - I predict it will be a classic
Moderator: Nova says: "Metaphorically speaking, if Xena represents our internal struggles and Gabrielle represents a certain purity, innocence or love...what does Eve represent in the "redemption" path?"
Moderator: there's a nice easy one for you, Adrienne ...hehe
Adrienne: Eve is an exact replication of Xena's life. Every day Eve is reminding Xena of her past - and they are desperately reaching for happiness and contentment and peace through each others struggles
Moderator: Petunia says: "Good answer"
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "Talk about parent-child-bonding"
Moderator: Nova says: "good answer -- you must have been ready for that one!"
Moderator: she's a pro!
Adrienne: I think Eve is also a controversy and conscience to the show - especially now that Gab is such a great warrior also
Adrienne: I've just analyzed the heck out of my character- I always do
Moderator: Niva JCK says: "she's great"
Adrienne: that's why it is so hard for me to justify some of Eve's choices
Adrienne: they are so foreign to where her heart and instinct lie
Moderator: Callisto says: "They certain made the right choice when they picked you!"
Moderator: Sakura says: "Yeah!"
Moderator: Breen says: "You should be writing the script, you'd do a great job"
Adrienne: but I think that the irony is on purpose- I believe that Eve is trying to make choices that lead to pronouced differences between mother and daughter
Adrienne: I think she fights every step of the way to not just replicate Xena's life- she wants her own freedom
Moderator: Sakura says: "You mean different from her mother?"
Adrienne: yes- all of her natural instinct s would make her exactly like Xena
Adrienne: and I think she wants to have her OWN life- not just re live someone else’s- that's why I think she is now clinging to religion and trying to do just as much good as Xena- but in a different way
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "will Callisto's role in the life of Eve ever be fully explored?"
Adrienne: No.
Adrienne: Much like all the other stuff- we will never discuss Callisto
Adrienne: There is simply too much baggage to cover it all
Moderator: ArcAngel Xena says: "Where do you see Eve going by the end of season 6 and the show? What would you, the actress like to see happen to her?"
Adrienne: Eve is truly an amazingly complex character- but they try to limit how much we get into issues that require a lot of time
Moderator: Baby J says: "Does Xena ever tell you about your brother Solon?"
Adrienne: I would love to see Eve fulfill her greatness - to become this incredible leader- that brings peace- but also that keeps fear at bay and keeps others from harm through her strength and wisdom - a good "Ceasar" combined with Mother Teresa
Moderator: Moderator's note: please do not submit the same question over and over again. I will get to as many as possible. Thanks!
Adrienne: NO, we never discuss Solan- in fact I didn't even know of his existence until someone asked me about it in an interview. There is SOOO much to keep track of :-)
Adrienne: I do think that Xena and Eve get closer to understanding each other in the next few episodes
Moderator: Oh, and remember I will not forward marriage proposals either! :)
Adrienne: They are so much alike- that they drive each other crazy!!!! They know exactly what will get under each other’s skin - but I think they come to a better understanding over time. Xena sees that Eve is still walking the same path that she is
Adrienne: just in a new and different way from herself
Adrienne: Its an interesting dynamic for us to play with.
Moderator: xenagemi says: "What do you plan to do after Xena?"
Adrienne: I'm already exploring new options.
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "any that you can tell us about?"
Adrienne: I'm open to most things- film, tv, theater- I just want a new challenge- something I've never done before
Moderator: Guest 9254 says: "do you doing any new movie?"
Moderator: Sakura says: "Broadway!"
Moderator: J. Connell says: "Which do you prefer: TV, feature films, or theater?"
Adrienne: well, its pilot season- so I'm looking into geting attached to a new series - but they are also making a lot of films at the moment, so I'm also exploring that idea.
Moderator: jenata says: "I want to see you on big screen"
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "I would like to hear your gorgeous voice on the stage"
Moderator: Callisto says: "Whatever you pursue, I am sure you’ll be great at!"
Moderator: Darth Maul (Sith Lord) says: "Good idea you will do great"
Adrienne: I love all of them. Theater is the most immediately satisfying. But Film and TV reach far more people and open up other opportunities faster. There are SOOO many roles I want to chase- so please cross your fingers for me
Moderator: macie says: "we will adrienne"
Adrienne: and the web site will always be up to date with news and updates
Moderator: Mary Taram says: "I promise."
Moderator: ButterCup says: "Is it true that there's a possibility of an Eve and Virgil spinoff?"
Adrienne: so, if I'm not on Xena anymore this spring- it will be because something delicious has happened
Adrienne: I've heard that- but I'm quite sure its just rumor. It doesn't fit with what has happened with my characters story line
Adrienne: plus Greg has a gig on Dark Angel - so I' m sure he's just as busy
Moderator: abbagirl says: "Yeah, someone asked Greg Lee about that in Palo Alto and he said he didn't think so..."
Moderator: Petunia says: "Have you heard anything about a couple of Xena TV movies?"
Moderator: Sakura says: "Xena movies would be great!"
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "and will you be in them?"
Adrienne: Greg and I always thought that was funny - we kept being linked romantically when I had just killed his dad .....not such a great way to win a guy over
Moderator: jenata says: "LOL, Adrienne"
Moderator: Niva JCK says: "hehe funny!"
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "ROTFL"
Adrienne: I've actually heard that Xena movies probably wouldn't happen....but if they did- I would love to be included. Maybe a few years down the road everyone will want to revisit the story.
Adrienne: I'm not sure where the series wil leave the story - but I think that will determine weather movies are done later on
Moderator: Baby J says: "Do you miss your family when you are away in another country?".
Adrienne: Ya, I miss my family a lot. Actually I'm generally working so much, that I don't have much down time - but I do get quite a phone bill when I'm away. A few of them have come to NZ to visit me though- that was great!!
Moderator: Sakura says: "Do you like New Zealand? Is it great? Beautiful?"
Adrienne: Its amazing - I would love to retire there
Adrienne: I would move there sooner- if I didn't have to work
Adrienne: I heard someone describe NZ as "God rough draft of the earth" because NZ is tiny- but it has everything from deserts, mountains, white and black sand beaches, glaciers, volcanoes....its great
Moderator: xenagurl says: "Where are you from originally?"
Adrienne: I'm originally from Missouri in the mid western United States- that's where I've lived the most. Now I live in Los Angeles
Moderator: The Xena Elf says: "hi my hamsters still love you (jk i had to say that)"
Moderator: <waves to Elf>
Adrienne: Hi- I was wondering if you would be here- it was great meeting you at Cherry Hill
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "I have to say that my toddler tries to do the Eve yell every time she sees you"
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "she loves Eve!"
Adrienne: HA hahaha - that's great
Adrienne: I don't get to do that much anymore- but it is fun
Moderator: Darth Maul (Sith Lord) says: "I found your new site to be very good and I must let you know tell your web adminster to keep up the good work"
Moderator: Sakura says: "You have your own domain now!"
Adrienne: This last trip to NZ was great - but it was supposed to be summer- and it was the coldest NOV they had in over 50 years - it rained almost everyday - but the new episodes are great- brilliant writing and beautiful episodes.
Adrienne: Yes- I'm so proud and happy - it was a lot of work by a lot of people - but is up.
Moderator: J. Connell says: "How large is your fan club?"
Moderator: Darth Maul (Sith Lord) says: "I have your site listed to my favs"
Adrienne: Shawna is still in charge taking care of everything. We have a message board- that everyone is able to jump on - and we are still adding some features.
Moderator: Shawna FC Prez says: "44 members"
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "well there is always room for more LoL"
Adrienne: I'm not sure how large the club is - but I'm told it is twice as large as Shawna expected for the first year.- so that's pretty cool
Moderator: Callisto says: "Whats it like having a fan club?"
Moderator: J. Connell says: "45 as of tomorrow (I'm joining TONIGHT!)"
Moderator: Niva JCK says: "The fan club's great!"
Moderator: Shawna FC Prez says: "yay!!!"
Moderator: romeo says: "i'll join!!"
Moderator: macie says: "46 I’m joining"
Moderator: Christin says: "yay!!"
Adrienne: Very cool. I never thought about having one- and certainly never expected to have a fan club. - it has been super-cool! (one of my favorite words)
Moderator: Sakura says: "You just got 14 more members, lol"
Adrienne: I love to check in on the message boards and hear what everyone is saying. - and just knowing there is interest, is wonderful
Adrienne: Yeah- I love new people
Moderator: xenagemi says: "were you totally blown away by all of this sudden fame?"
Moderator: Shawna FC Prez says: "next one to join gets a batch of fudge with their membership!!! :)"
Adrienne: The fan club has quite a few members from other country's too
Moderator: Christin says: "it's wonderful that you check in (at the board). Very much appreciated"
Moderator: Niva JCK says: "u come quite often to the message boards right?"
Moderator: Baby J says: "I already joined"
Adrienne: ya- I've been blessed this year. It has been a bit of a roller coaster in many ways- but I'm so grateful. I only hope it continues , but with all of the support I'm getting- I have no reason to doubt it would!! Thank you!!!!
Moderator: Niva JCK says: "welcome adrienne!!"
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "NO, THANK YOU !"
Moderator: J. Connell says: "Does it surprise you, this level of response and fan interest?"
Adrienne: I check the message boards about once a week - and the mail almost every day. I even have a request up on the boards for opinions for my new reel- the responses have been very helpful
Moderator: Callisto says: "Thank you for giving back to your fans!"
Moderator: Petunia says: "All your Xena fans will follow your career from now on"
Moderator: Christin says: "absolutely, we can't wait to see what's next!"
Adrienne: I love to hear that. The interest and feedback is so helpful!
Adrienne: Especially to see so many people follow Eve- as she has changes SOO much!
Moderator: xenagurl says: "How long have you been acting?"
Adrienne: For about 5 years.
Moderator: J. Connell says: "Do you have a favorite genre of role or character, or are you still exploring?"
Adrienne: Ton of them. I get a new obsession every week.
Moderator: Mary Taram says: "Did you take any acting classes?"
Adrienne: I think many writers are also getting braver and writing stuff that is less "safe" and less cliche and that is a wonderful trend.
Adrienne: Ya- whenever I'm home- I'm always in classes - just helps to keep all of the skils sharp- and help to explore characters that are unlike the roles I've been playing
Moderator: ok you guys, just a few more questions then Adrienne must go
Moderator: Christin says: "Is there a particular director or co-star that you've admired that you'd really like to work with someday?"
Adrienne: SOOO many. Every time I see a brilliant movie or a thrilling performance - I want to work with that person.
Moderator: Sakura says: "Who's your role model?"
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "Mata Hari lol"
Moderator: Mary Taram says: "LOL"
Adrienne: It’s been so exceptionally cool to work with so many different types of actors, and so many different people- in such changing scripts -I've had a huge amount of experience this year
Adrienne: ya, you must have been at star fury:-) I should have kept my mouth shut :)
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "LoL"
Moderator: Christin says: "lol"
Adrienne: that is a sort of dream project. Such a cool woman to be able to live through
Moderator: ALWheaties says: "You've done such a GREAT job!!! :)"
Moderator: Sakura says: "No, a WONDERFUL job!"
Adrienne: I also read a novel the other day called “On a Pale Horse”- that would make a brilliant TV series. I would want to change the lead to a female- and make it modern day instead of futuristic, but I think it would be an amazing TV series
Moderator: Picky Vicki says: "Oh Piers Anthony! Love his books!"
Moderator: Amber FCVP says: "you are a special person to take such time from your life like this (and at the fan club) for your fans"
Adrienne: I love this stuff
Moderator: Petunia says: "Thanks for being so willing to talk to us"
Adrienne: It makes my day to hear feedback- I love the conventions and I love like speaking- so this coming year should be so much fun
Moderator: Alright Adrienne, I know you have to get going soon, so do you have any final words for the Xena Palacers today?
Adrienne: that was supposed to be public speaking - no clue what I was typing
Moderator: abbagirl says: "We love you Adrienne! Come back to Xena Palace any time! :)"
Moderator: Sakura says: "We all love you, Adrienne!"
Adrienne: Just that I absolutely love the new stuff we just shot...and I hope everyone follows us on this journey and enjoys it too. They are trying to finish up so many different plots- and they come up with some ingenious stuff - I hope you like it.
Moderator: Callisto says: "Thank you so much for being here, It means allot to so many! I hope you come back soon Adrienne! (We Love you!)"
Moderator: Picky Vicki says: "Have a great Holiday season Adrienne!!"
Adrienne: Thank you for having me back at the Palace- I love coming here-- you've all been so gracious and I love it. Happy Holidays
Moderator: macie says: "im sure we will love it adrienne"
Moderator: Breen says: "Happy Xmas Adrienne, and thank you"
Moderator: abbagirl says: "*starts singing* "Can you feel the love tonight...""
Moderator: Marieke says: "Thank you for the chat and for the e-mails. I hope to see you at the Starfurry Convention!"
Adrienne: ha- you guys are too much!
Moderator: You are welcome to come back ANY time, Adrienne. You are such a pro at this!
Moderator: Lucifer Girl says: "Thanks for making my day. Hope to see you at the Palace again."
Moderator: ROCxolan says: "Thank you Adrienne -- WE LOVE YOU!!!"
Adrienne: I'm just a hell of a typer- don't go overboard :-)- ha
Moderator: Killing Joke says: "Standing ovation, guys"
Moderator: Christin says: "Bravo, Adrienne!!"
Moderator: Everyone feel free to stick around and chat in the palace afterwards. Good night!
The PalacePresents event "Chat with Adrienne Wilkinson" is over.
Thank you for attending.